Yorgenis Danger García


12-14 MAY 2023IMG_7167

We are happy to announce that after some wait Yorgenis “Yoyo” Danger García https://www.facebook.com/yorgenis.d.garcia is coming back in May!

FRIDAY – as usual we warm up with some fun and energizing salsa con afro.

SATURDAY – YORUBA We start with one hour’s technique training – “muelleo” and torso, you know the drill! Then we move on to two of our favourite orishas – Yemaya and Shango.

YEMAYA – mistress of the sea, serious and powerful. Her dance represents the movements of the ocean, from calm and tranquil to huge waves hitting against the rocks. She is also the great mother figure, mother to all living things and her character is nurturing and protective. Her colours are different shades of blue with white and silver.

SHANGO – A king and a leader, proud and dominant. He represents male beauty, virility and masculinity. He is the master of fire, thunder and lightning and war, but also music, drumming and dancing. His colours are red and white and his attribute a two-edged axe.

Shango MartinPaintings: Martin Ehrling https://www.facebook.com/martin.ehrling.98

SUNDAYYORUBA –  Oshun and Oggun, alternating bata drums with some güiro and we finish the day with some festive Iyesa!

OSHUN – Mistress of all rivers and sweet waters. Her colours are yellow and gold. Her nature is seductive and sensual and she represents love, joy and sexuality. Her main attribute is a fan and she loves honey, which she uses to attract and seduce, together with her captivating laughter. But don’t be mistaken, she is a powerful orisha and can be vindictive when crossed!

OGGUN – one of the “guerreros” (warriors) together with Eleggua, Ochosi and Osun. He is master of all metals and minerals, in particular iron, and inventor of tools, weapons and technology. He lives in the wilderness and forested areas of the world, and is generally portrayed as a solitary blacksmith or ironmonger or a fierceful warrior. His colours are green and black. He has a violent and brusque nature, but he also has a more peaceful side. Oggún is the patron of all those who work with metal, mechanics, engineers, policemen, soldiers, surgeons.


VENUE: Runda rummet, Konradsbergshallen Campus Konradsberg, Konradsbergsgatan 2B.


19.00-21.00 Salsa con afro


11.00-15.00 Yoruba – Technique, Yemaya, Shango


11.00-14.30 Yoruba – Oshun, Oggun, Iyesa

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